The security requirements for WebGPU are the same as ever for the web, and are likewise non-negotiable. The general approach is strictly validating all the commands before they reach GPU, ensuring that a page can only work with its own data.


2.1.1. CPU-based undefined behavior

A WebGPU implementation translates the workloads issued by the user into API commands specific to the target platform. Native APIs specify the valid usage for the commands (for example, see vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout) and generally don’t guarantee any outcome if the valid usage rules are not followed. This is called “undefined behavior”, and it can be exploited by an attacker to access memory they don’t own, or force the driver to execute arbitrary code.


In order to disallow insecure usage, the range of allowed WebGPU behaviors is defined for any input. An implementation has to validate all the input from the user and only reach the driver with the valid workloads. This document specifies all the error conditions and handling semantics. For example, specifying the same buffer with intersecting ranges in both “source” and “destination” of copyBufferToBuffer() results in GPUCommandEncoder generating an error, and no other operation occurring.


See § 20 Errors & Debugging for more information about error handling.

§ 20 Errors & Debugging,了解有关错误处理的更多信息。

Graphics Processing Units, or GPUs for short, have been essential in enabling rich rendering and computational applications in personal computing. WebGPU is an API that exposes the capabilities of GPU hardware for the Web. The API is designed from the ground up to efficiently map to the Vulkan, Direct3D 12, and Metal native GPU APIs. WebGPU is not related to WebGL and does not explicitly target OpenGL ES.

图形处理单元,简称GPU,对于在个人计算中实现丰富的渲染和计算应用至关重要。WebGPU是一种API,它暴露了用于Web的GPU硬件的功能。该API从头设计,能够高效地映射到Vulkan、Direct3D 12和Metal原生GPU API。WebGPU与WebGL无关,也不明确对应OpenGL ES。

WebGPU sees physical GPU hardware as GPUAdapters. It provides a connection to an adapter via GPUDevice, which manages resources, and the device’s GPUQueues, which execute commands. GPUDevice may have its own memory with high-speed access to the processing units. GPUBuffer and GPUTexture are the physical resources backed by GPU memory. GPUCommandBuffer and GPURenderBundle are containers for user-recorded commands. GPUShaderModule contains shader code. The other resources, such as GPUSampler or GPUBindGroup, configure the way physical resources are used by the GPU.


GPUs execute commands encoded in GPUCommandBuffers by feeding data through a pipeline, which is a mix of fixed-function and programmable stages. Programmable stages execute shaders, which are special programs designed to run on GPU hardware. Most of the state of a pipeline is defined by a GPURenderPipeline or a GPUComputePipeline object. The state not included in these pipeline objects is set during encoding with commands, such as beginRenderPass() or setBlendConstant().
