3.1.1. Dot Syntax
In this specification, the . (“dot”) syntax, common in programming languages, is used. The phrasing “Foo.Bar” means “the Bar member of the value (or interface) Foo.”
The ?. (“optional chaining”) syntax, adopted from JavaScript, is also used. The phrasing “Foo?.Bar” means “if Foo is null or undefined, Foo; otherwise, Foo.Bar”.
For example, where buffer is a GPUBuffer, buffer?.[[device]].[[adapter]] means “if buffer is null or undefined, then undefined, otherwise, the [[adapter]] internal slot of the [[device]] internal slot of buffer.
3.1.2. Internal Objects
An internal object is a conceptual, non-exposed WebGPU object. Internal objects track the state of an API object and hold any underlying implementation. If the state of a particular internal object can change in parallel from multiple agents, those changes are always atomic with respect to all agents.
Note: An “agent” refers to a JavaScript “thread” (i.e. main thread, or Web Worker).
3.1.3. WebGPU Interfaces
A WebGPU interface is an exposed interface which encapsulates an internal object. It provides the interface through which the internal object’s state is changed.
As a matter of convention, if a WebGPU interface is referred to as invalid, it means that the internal object it encapsulates is invalid.
Any interface which includes GPUObjectBase is a WebGPU interface.
1 | interface mixin GPUObjectBase { |
GPUObjectBase has the following attributes:
label, of type USVString, nullable
A label which can be used by development tools (such as error/warning messages, browser developer tools, or platform debugging utilities) to identify the underlying internal object to the developer. It has no specified format, and therefore cannot be reliably machine-parsed.
In any given situation, the user agent may or may not choose to use this label.
label, USVString类型,可为空
GPUObjectBase has the following internal slots:
[[device]], of type device, readonly
An internal slot holding the device which owns the internal object.
[[device]], 类型device, 只读
3.1.4. Object Descriptors
An object descriptor holds the information needed to create an object, which is typically done via one of the create* methods of GPUDevice.
1 | dictionary GPUObjectDescriptorBase { |
GPUObjectDescriptorBase has the following members:
label, of type USVString
The initial value of GPUObjectBase.label.
label, USVString类型