2.8.1. Machine-specific limits
WebGPU can expose a lot of detail on the underlying GPU architecture and the device geometry. This includes available physical adapters, many limits on the GPU and CPU resources that could be used (such as the maximum texture size), and any optional hardware-specific capabilities that are available.
User agents are not obligated to expose the real hardware limits, they are in full contol of how much the machine specifics are exposed. One strategy to reduce fingeprinting is binning all the target platforms into a few number of bins. In general, the privacy impact of exposing the hardware limits matches the one of WebGL.
The default limits are also deliberately high enough to allow most application to work without requesting higher limits. All the usage of the API is validated according to the requested limits, so the actual hardware capabilities are not exposed to the users by accident.
2.8.2. Machine-specific artifacts
There are some machine-specific rasterization/precision artifacts and performance differences that can be observed roughly in the same way as in WebGL. This applies to rasterization coverage and patterns, interpolation precision of the varyings between shader stages, compute unit scheduling, and more aspects of execution.
Generally, rasterization and precision fingerprints are identical across most or all of the devices of each vendor. Performance differences are relatively intractable, but also relatively low-signal (as with JS execution performance).
Privacy-critical applications and user agents should utilize software implementations to eliminate such artifacts.
2.8.3. Machine-specific performance
Another factor for differentiating users is measuring the performance of specific operations on the GPU. Even with low precision timing, repeated execution of an operation can show if the user’s machine is fast at specific workloads. This is a fairly common vector (present in both WebGL and Javascript), but it’s also low-signal and relatively intractable to truly normalize.
WebGPU compute pipelines expose access to GPU unobstructed by the fixed-function hardware. This poses an additional risk for unique device fingerprinting. User agents can take steps to dissociate logical GPU invocations with actual compute units to reduce this risk.
2.8.4. User Agent State
This specification doesn’t define any additional user-agent state for an origin. However it is expected that user agents will have compilation caches for the result of expensive compilation like GPUShaderModule, GPURenderPipeline and GPUComputePipeline. These caches are important to improve the loading time of WebGPU applications after the first visit.
For the specification, these caches are indifferentiable from incredibly fast compilation, but for applications it would be easy to measure how long createComputePipelineAsync() takes to resolve. This can leak information across origins (like “did the user access a site with this specific shader”) so user agents should follow the best practices in storage partitioning.
The system’s GPU driver may also have its own cache of compiled shaders and pipelines. User agents may want to disable these when at all possible, or add per-partition data to shaders in ways that will make the GPU driver consider them different.